知道”机器改变世界 - 关于计算机历史的纪录片”,是从这个网页:
的叙述 The film consists of 5 fantastic episodes but unfortunately since its release in 1992 it has become virtually extinct.翻译:该纪录片一共分为5个非常有趣的视频,但是不幸的是,自从1992年发布以来,基本上就处于绝迹的状态!
好在,世界和网络上总有奉献精神的”好事之徒” (其实这里是点赞),费了好大的劲,还是在网络上找到了该纪录片全部的片段。花了一下午和一晚上时间看了,真是感觉有些震撼!那是1992年,我那时也还只是大二的学生(不是计算机专业),刚开始接触286计算机和VAX/VMS工作站(因专业的缘故,于计算力要求颇高,所以,当时学院还是买了些计算机的)。
The Machine that changed the world
机器改变世界 - 关于计算机历史的纪录片 Part 1: 巨大的大脑 Part 2: 发现未来 Part 3: 台式计算机 Part 4: 机器的思考 Part 5: 指尖上的世界
摘记些网上的描述: https://www.singularityweblog.com/the-machine-that-changed-the-world-documentary/
- The Machine That Changed the World is the longest, most comprehensive documentary about the history of computing ever produced.
- The film consists of 5 fantastic episodes but unfortunately since its release in 1992 it has become virtually extinct.
- Out of print and never released online, the only remaining copies are VHS tapes floating around school libraries or in the homes of fans who dubbed the original shows when they aired.
- Part 1: Giant brains
- The history of computing begins with the original definition of “computers,” human beings like William Shanks that calculated numbers by hand.
- Frustration with human error led Charles Babbage to develop his difference engine, the first mechanical computer. He later designed the analytical engine, the first general-purpose programmable computer, but it was never finished.
- 100 years later, German engineer Konrad Zuse built the Z1, the first functional general-purpose computer, using binary counting with mechanical telephone relays.
- At the University of Pennsylvania, John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert built ENIAC, the first general-purpose electronic computer, to aid in military calculations. They didn’t finish in time to be useful for the war, but soon after, Eckert and Mauchly started the first commercial computer company.
- Part II: Inventing The Future - from UNIVAC to IBM in the 1950s and 1960s
- Part III: The Paperback Computer
- Xerox, realizing computers might lead to paperless communication, created the PARC research laboratory to make computers easy to use. They unified several concepts into a usable computer environment, the Xerox Alto, inventing the modern GUI paradigm of folders, files, and documents, along with Ethernet, Smalltalk, WYSIWIG editing, and the laser printer. Xerox marketed the Xerox Star, but it was expensive and a commercial failure.
- Xerox, realizing computers might lead to paperless communication, created the PARC research laboratory to make computers easy to use. They unified several concepts into a usable computer environment, the Xerox Alto, inventing the modern GUI paradigm of folders, files, and documents, along with Ethernet, Smalltalk, WYSIWIG editing, and the laser printer. Xerox marketed the Xerox Star, but it was expensive and a commercial failure.
- Part IV: The Thinking Machine
- The history of artificial intelligence, from Minsky to neural networks
- Part V: The World At Your Fingertips
- Computer networks, including the Internet, and their global impact on communication and privacy.
IBM 286 PC
毕业后,去了单位,有两位早些年其他院校的毕业生合作制作了仪器和相应的软件(一台车,一台PC电脑,数据的收集和打印),甚至出口到了国外。虽然有些问题(比如出图真的很慢 - 就像现在北京出租车打印车票一样,竟然要等超过1分钟!)
考计算机研究生吧,很简单的 …